I am a Charged individual.
I never knew there were so many connotations of the word 'charged' until I looked it up just before writing this post. For example,
charge (chärj)
v. charged, charg·ing, charg·es
a. To load to capacity; fill: charge a furnace with coal.
b. To saturate; impregnate: The atmosphere was charged with tension.
2. To load (a gun or other firearm) with a quantity of explosive: charged the musket with powder.
3. To instruct or urge authoritatively; command: charged her not to reveal the source of information.
4. To make a claim of wrongdoing against; accuse or blame: The police charged him with car theft. Critics charged the writer with a lack of originality.
5. To put the blame for; attribute or impute: charged the accident to the driver's inexperience.
6. Electricity
a. To cause formation of a net electric charge on or in (a conductor, for example).
b. To energize (a storage battery) by passing current through it in the direction opposite to discharge.
7. To excite; rouse: a speaker who knows how to charge up a crowd.
1. To rush forward in or as if in a violent attack: dogs trained to charge at intruders; children charging through the house.
Synonyms: charge, imbue, impregnate, permeate, pervade, saturate, suffuse
These verbs mean to cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone: an atmosphere charged with excitement; poetry imbued with lyricism; a spirit impregnated with lofty ideals; optimism that permeates a group; letters pervaded with gloom; a play saturated with imagination; a heart suffused with love..
Adj. | 1. | charged - of a particle or body or system; having a net amount of positive or negative electric charge; "charged particles"; "a charged battery" |
| 2. | charged - fraught with great emotion; "an atmosphere charged with excitement"; "an emotionally charged speech" |
| 4. | charged - capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy; "the highly charged issue of abortion" |
You will find the complete list of connotations of 'charged' at http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dict.asp?Word=charged.
‘Complete list’? Is there more? Of course! J Anyways… the meaning I’d like to dwell on just now is Definition 6a. (Yeah… I can’t escape the influence of my professional life!) (Oh, btw… using parenthesis is a bad idea, I read somewhere, since it denotes that the writer is unable to bring about a logical connection / flow between ideas. Seriously… does anybody care?!)
So… now that you know what I’m talking about… I can see that big grin beginning to light your face (didn’t I just mention electricity? :D) But… hold your horses! I speaketh the truth; the whole and naked truth; and nothing but the truth: so goD save you… that is, if HE Exists!
(Ellipsis, Parenthesis, Smilies, Bangs, Old English words, wrong CaPiTaLiZatiOn, bare (un)truths, wild and atheist claims… all in the same para. Wow! Broken ever so many rules of Grammar... and some more! Ain’t that simply LOVE-LY?)
Cutting a long story short… Coming straight down to the point… To hammer the nail bang! on its head… I’m electrically charged.
Now, don’t you scoff at me! I have witnesses – people who at first scoffed just like you, but are now Believers. ‘Who are these people?!’ you say? They are the ones who’ve seen and felt "The Spark". I’m not kidding! Many a time have I seen a spark jump right across the tiny space between my skin and some surface or the other person’s skin. And, it always occurs at the most unexpected of times.
My team-mate (& friend, & colleague, & companion, & fellow-sufferer – I can’t find ONE word that wholly and aptly describes these individuals) and I are working together at one desk. I suddenly put out my hand to grab the mouse before he gets to it and lo! There’s a spark jumping from one end of a strand of hair standing at attention on some part of my hand and one placid strand of hair on his. I pretend I saw nothing, felt nothing and try to carry on. But he recoils instantly and ‘Ouch! Did you feel that?’
‘What?’ I fix him with the most innocent look that I can manage. (Actually I believe I’m a good actor. Or is it actress? whatever!)
‘I got a shock! From you!’ He can’t believe it: he won’t believe it; he doesn’t want to believe it; but he HAS to believe it.
As I watch the struggle unfolding on his face I’m tempted to say, ‘See… NOW do you believe me?’ Instead, I say ‘Oh! Okay...’ averting my eyes, trying to convey an impression that the conversation’s ended. ‘Anyways… as I was saying… shouldn’t we be doing it like…’ I continue.
But he’s not listening to me. I know that. He’s staring at me stupidly, unable to believe that, for once (maybe, just this once), I wasn’t speaking ‘off the cuff’ when I first told him about this. He’s grudgingly turning into a Believer.
If I show the slightest interest to discuss the topic with him now, I’d have broken the Magic of the Moment. I let his innumerable questions hang in the air (a “charged” atmosphere… if you will). He’ll hit me with them some day, when he feels he has the right audience. I better watch out and be prepared so as not to appear a moron in front of those morons. But, at least, for now… I have one more Believer!